I'm pursuing a new research direction for the Clothing Project and, as a result, I'm in the process of collecting resources and information for the new angle.
I'm shifting, at least for right now, from looking at art, to looking at what's been pulled out from the ground in archaeological digs. The best way to know who wore what, is to pull it from a grave complex.
As is my typical, I am starting with China's Yuan dynasty. It's more in my persona's realm, and I've always been more naturally drawn to China. Persian is hugely interesting and I'm not looking to drop it, don't get me wrong, but my love of all things Sinology is deep and abiding.
This does mean I will need to take a pause while I read and digest what others have found, and their conclusions. I like to make sure I have a good baseline before I walk off on my own, drawing conclusions and making hypotheses.
I am also in the very beginning stages of forming a class on basic construction of Mongol deel. The earliest debut would be at Great Northeastern War this summer. I'd use examples from my own failed garb closet to build on the case, and use a type of visual example not seen frequently: the own teacher's process in learning.
More on that, most likely, before anything else.
Thank you for your patience!